25 research outputs found

    Enhancing Performance in Medical Articles Summarization with Multi-Feature Selection

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    The research aimed at providing an outcome summary of extraordinary events information for public health surveillance systems based on the extraction of online medical articles. The data set used is 7,346 pieces. Characteristics possessed by online medical articles include paragraphs that comprise more than one and the core location of the story or important sentences scattered at the beginning, middle and end of a paragraph. Therefore, this study conducted a summary by maintaining important phrases related to the information of extraordinary events scattered in every paragraph in the medical article online. The summary method used is maximal marginal relevance with an n-best value of 0.7. While the multi feature selection in question is the use of features to improve the performance of the summary system. The first feature selection is the use of title and statistic number of word and noun occurrence, and weighting tf-idf. In addition, other features are word level category in medical content patterns to identify important sentences of each paragraph in the online medical article. The important sentences defined in this study are classified into three categories: core sentence, explanatory sentence, and supporting sentence. The system test in this study was divided into two categories, such as extrinsic and intrinsic test. Extrinsic test is comparing the summary results of the decisions made by the experts with the output resulting from the system. While intrinsic test compared three n-Best weighting value method, feature selection combination, and combined feature selection combination with word level category in medical content. The extrinsic evaluation result was 72%. While intrinsic evaluation result of feature selection combination merger method with word category in medical content was 91,6% for precision, 92,6% for recall and f-measure was 92,2%

    Information Interchange Layer based on Classification of Information Use (IU)

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    Information characteristics in classification of IU directly related to aspects of information usage by user in enterprise to accomplish their activities. Feature extraction from information usage in three layer of enterprise management used as parameter for this characteristic. Characteristics and dimension applied to develop middle-ware system (called Information Interchange Layer) that bridges a common issue ie information silo, to optimize a services of information resources in enterpris

    Residential load event detection in NILM using robust cepstrum smoothing based method

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    Event detection has an important role in detecting the switching of the state of the appliance in the residential environment. This paper proposed a robust smoothing method for cepstrum estimation using double smoothing i.e. the cepstrum smoothing and local linear regression method. The main problem is to reduce the variance of the home appliance peak signal. In the first step, the cepstrum smoothing method removed the unnecessary quefrency by applying a rectangular window to the cepstrum of the current signal. In the next step, the local regression smoothing weighted data points to be smoothed using robust least squares regression. The result of this research shows the variance of the peak signal is decreased and has a good performance with better accuracy. In noise enviromment, performance prediction quite good with values greater than 0.6 and relatively stable at values above 0.9 on SNR> 25 for single appliances. Furthermore, in multiple appliances, performance prediction quite good at SNR> 20 and begins to decrease in SNR <20 and SNR> 25

    Pengembangan Platform Inovasi dan Kewirausahaan (IES) dengan menggunakan Perspektif Servis Sains: Studi Kasus LPIK ITB

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    Abstract. The Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (LPIK) is a hub to facilitate and bridge between ITB inventor and Entrepreneurial to interact with the Industry to co-create the value and to commercialize the technology. This institute is under Vice-rector of innovation and partnership of ITB. The study aims to analyze the current situation and propose a web-based platform to facilitate the interaction among the stakeholders in LPIK effectively and efficient. Service science perspective will be used in this study, start from the problem identification until solution development. The methodology was used is the qualitative approach, i.e., focus group discussion (FGD), survey and strategic assumption surfacing and testing (SAST). The finding is the assumption based on the importance, and the certain level of IES development is relevance (absolutely importance-very certain). The other assumption is considered as a factor which influence IES performance is accuracy, customization, content, timeliness, quality of interaction and also format.Keywords: IES (Innovation Entrepreneurship System) , platform, service science, strategic assumption surfacing and testing (SAST), value co-creationAbstrak. Lembaga pengembangan inovasi dan kewirausahaan (LPIK) adalah lembaga dibawah Wakil Rektor Bidang Inovasi dan Kewirausahaan (WRIM) yang bertujuan sebagai hub dan fasilitator untuk menjembatani inovasi inventor ITB dan kewirausahaan untuk dapat berinteraksi dengan Industri (user) dalam menciptakan nilai (value co-creation) dan komersialiasi teknologi.  Studi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan mengembangkan platform yaitu aplikasi berbasis web yang bisa memfasilitasi interaksi antar pemangku kepentingan yang terlibat dalam aktivitas LPIK secara efektif dan efisien. Aplikasi yang dibuat berdasarkan kebutuhan dari para pengguna yaitu tenan inkubator LPIK dan juga inventor serta industri. Dalam studi ini menggunakan sudut pandang servis sains dalam keseluruhan proses penelitian, mulai dari identifikasi hingga pengembangan solusi dari permasalahan. Metodologi yang dipergunakan dalam studi ini adalah dengan pendekatan kualitatif, yaitu focus group discussion (FGD), survey serta pengolahannya menggunakan metode strategic assumption surfacing dan testing (SAST). Dari hasil dengan SAST diperoleh asumsi yang paling penting dan paling pasti dalam pengembangan IES kedepan yaitu relevansi, artinya informasi yg disediakan pada website IES harus relevan. Kemudian asumsi yang lainnya yang penting dan adalah akurasi, yaitu IES harus memiliki tingkat akurasi aplikasi yang tinggi, kustomisasi (IES harus menyediakan informasi yang menarik, dan tampilan yang familiar), konten (kelengkapan isi dan kualitas informasi web), ketepatan (timeliness, Informasi yang ditampilkan pada website IES tepat waktu dan sifatnya mutakhir), dan kualitas berinteraksi dengan pengelola web IES melalui forum kolaborasi, kemudahan dalam menggunakan IES serta layanannya dan kecepatan dalam menggunakan aplikasi. Untuk asumsi fitur lainnya adalah format yang mampu memberikan informasi sesuai format yang dibutuhkan adalah faktor yang dipertimbangkan dalam mempengaruhi performansi sistem IES.Katakunci: IES (Innovation Entrepreneurship System) , platform, service science, strategic assumption surfacing and testing (SAST), value co-creationÂ